Shri R. Parsuram

Shri R Parasuram is a retired civil servant. He retired from the IAS in 2013. His last posting in the government was as Chief Secretary, Government of Madhya Pradesh. After that for over five years he served as the State Election Commissioner, Madhya Pradesh. It is an independent Constitutional position for conducting elections to the three-tier Panchayats in rural areas and for urban Municipalities.  Following this, for a year and half, till June 2020, he served as the Director General of the Atal Bihari Vajpayee Institute of Good Governance and Policy Analysis (AIGGPA), Bhopal. It’s an autonomous institute set up by the Government of M.P. to serve as a consultancy and public policy formulation agency.

He is an electrical engineering graduate and has spent a year at IDRC, Ottawa, Canada as a Fellow in the public policy area.

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